Nevertheless, I would like to share some things I have not found in book yet, but which I think would be very cool reading about. If you know any books, which exist and feature some of the features I am going to name, then please tell me!
Last summer I read "A little something different" by Sandy Hall, which was partly told from the perspective of a bench, and I thought it was super cool and extradorinary! This made me think about how cool it would be to not follow a living thing, but for example a pen or a chair througout a story. Even though it might sound super weird, in my view it would be different and somehow refreshing, just imagine e. g. hearing the love story of Bella and Edward from the perspective of Bella's car, or following the Stark children through Westeros as their sword. If well done, I think it would add a extraordinary and refreshing touch to the story.
Even though I already read a book which has a similar "thing" as a protagonist, I think having a real dream as a protagonist would be a great opportunity for the author to give his/her story a special thing. When you have a dream as the main character, you're quite limitless and could creat amazing moments, and also "dream up" a great story. Imagine an contemporary book where there is a dream telling the story of a teenage life with all the insecurities and challenges, or a fantasy book where you could even create a whole world of living dreams, maybe even a world where dreams and humans live in a conflict. I do not know, but somehow I would really like seeing what e. g. Laini Taylor or Maggie Stiefvater would make out of this.
I adore magical realism, as it enables you to write weird, different stories and add all the things you want to it, without making them seem out of place. Magical realism for me is the possibility to write realistic fiction without having to leave out all the magic that grips me every time. But I feel like apart from historical fiction, contemporary or fantasy there very few other genres featuring elements of magical realism. For example: Space Novels. I feel like as soon as you set your novel in space, it is automatically viewed as science fiction or dystopic. Why can not we have space adventures with pieces of magical realism? Or even retellings in space? How cool would it be, seeing Peter Pan leading his children to another planet and fighting against a pirate space ship? Or seeing space ships with feelings? Maybe I am just not to familar with the space genre and have not discovered all those amazing "mash ups" yet, but I feel like there is so much more to space than acutally used for novels.
Hands down, Beauty and the Beast will always be my number one fairytale. Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and other fairytales by Brother Grimm are such a great part of my childhood and I love them dearly. Therefore, seeing how many different retellings there are makes my heart swell and I am eager to discover all of them. However, I feel like there are so many other fairytales out there with amazing stories that could be re-interpreted, but you just do not know them. As I am a sucker for fairytales, I finally started researching what other stories there were...and found so many amazing tales, existing far away from our "european" stories. Stories about love, kindness, revenge or growing up, always featuring magic and a message, and perfect for retellings. I think it would be such a great thing to retell Arab tales, or stories from China, traditional fairytales told in Peru, or even the ancient stories of Iceland. Extending your knowledge and falling in love with other tales, that is what I wish for.
I know that sounds kind of ridiculous, but just imagine! I do not think I only speak for myself when I declare that I am so fed up by cheesy love triangles. There so over the top and unrealistic that I just cannot stomach them. BUT, if you are an author and so badly want to feature a love triangle, why not be a little bit more creative? Why not let the two boys being the two choices fall in love, leaving the girl all on her own and run of together? Wouldn't that be cool`?
I know that, up to a certain point, stories set in other countries than european ones or America exist, however, I feel like there a way to little of them! Searching through my bookshelf I found so little books not taking place in America or Europe, that it really shocked me. As a little traveller soul, I find a so enriching and great to discover new countries, new ways of life and so, and I think that more authors should think of how wonderful a diverse setting in there story could be! It would enable the reader to not only find themself in another country they maybe did not know before, but also open their mind to different cultures, which are both great plusses for me! I am aware that this might involve more research than usual, but I think it would worth it. Especially YA books could need more diversity when it comes to settings!
Sooo...those are just a few things I'd like to see in (more) books. I did not manage to come up with a crazy all planned story I would like to see, but I think that is not what this topic is about, for me it was more about sharing features you would like to see in books, ways in storytelling you would like to discover or other ideas you would appreciate an author to feature. There might be some books that already do so, however, I feel like there are so many ideas out there not featured in books yet, which is why I wanted to share some of my ideas with you. I hope you enjoyed this post and did not finde my English too bad xD
What books do YOU wish existed? What would you like to see in books (more)?
Ich war leicht überrascht, als ich den Post geöffnet habe und mir englische Sätze entgegengesprungen sind. :D Trotzdem war es gut zu lesen und vor allem die Idee, bei einer Dreiecksbeziehungen die beiden Jungen zusammenzuführen, fand ich sehr genial. Leider findet man Dreiecksbeziehungen wirklich so oft und sie n.e.r.v.e.n. einfach nur. ^^ Auf die Idee, das man die Geschichte aus der Sicht von einem leblosen Ding verfolgt, wäre ich nie gekommen, aber interessant ist es definitiv. Toller Post! :)
AntwortenLöschenIch bin zwar definitiv kein Englisch-Pro, aber einen Fehler habe ich doch gefunden. :p In der vorletzten Zeile muss stehen 'find' und nicht 'finde'. :D
Liebste Grüße,
Vanessa ♥
Was die Bücher angeht, die nicht in Europa/Amerika spielen, da muss man zwar länger suchen und tiefer graben, aber glaub mir, davon gibt es eine Menge. Wenn du historisch Romane magst, kann ich dir Michelle Morans "Nefertiti" und "The Heretic Queen" empfehlen, die spielen in Ägypten/Afrika. "Rebel Queen" spielt in Indien/Asien. Michelle Moran ist jetzt eine weiße Schriftstellerin, aber es gibt genügend Authors of Colour, die man sich anschauen könnte. Die beste Resource sind die Listen auf Goodreads. Gib einfach bei Listopia "Books set in.." und tada, da hast du schon welche. (Hier ein Beispiel In einer stinknormalen Buchhandlung in Deutschland ist das eher unwahrscheinlich, dass du solche Bücher findest. Einfach mehr von dem lesen, was es gerade schon gibt, dann sieht man, dass die Nachfrage da ist und vl werden solche Bücher ja populärer :)
AntwortenLöschenLiebe Grüße!
Ha mit der Dreiecksbeziehung war ich auch immer der Meinung gerade bei Maxon und Aspen von "Selection" wäre es das perfekte Ende gewesen! ;D Dieser Trend hält sich auch, das ist schon fast nicht zu fassen.
AntwortenLöschenSehr schöne Ideen von dir! Vielleicht solltest du einmal über das Schreiben nachdenken? ;)
Liebe Grüße