Samstag, 20. Februar 2016

|Love-A-Thon| Questionnaire!

Hey guys! Today I'm not only posting in another language, but also about something I've never participated in before: The Love-A-Thon, an annual marathon to celebrate our great blogger community! I think it's a wonderful idea to sit down and take your time to get to know other bloggers, to finally comment a little bit more than usual, and to participate in some awesome chats. Overall I just hope to have a great time and to have time to appreciate our great community even more than I already do, because believe me, there are some amazing people out there, we just have to find the time to get to know them. That's why I'm doing the Love-A-Thon this year.

So, let's start with a little questionnaire. This Loveathon is to be shared international, so I had to switch to English, which means I apologize for all the mistakes I'm gonna make in advance :D Anyway, I hope the questions and my answers will help you get know me a little bit better :)

What’s your name? 
 Hi there! I'm Kuecki, which isn't of course my real name, but a nickname which I use on the internet, but also in real life most people call me Kuecki.

Where in the world are you blogging from?
I'm from a little rainy town in Germany, very close to the Baltic Sea.
How did you get into blogging in the first place?
I've been a book lover ever since I learned how to read, and when I first discovered blogs 3 years ago, I was amazed. I never imagined that love for books could be shared in so many awesome ways, and all I wanted was to create my own little place on the internet where I could share my love for books. So, 2 years ago, I finally started my own blog. Now my blog is my small place where I can write about everything that matters to me, where I can share personal stuff, but in the first place: Where I can share my love for books.
How did you come up with your blog name?
Haha, that's indeed a funny story. Before I started my blog I created a Twitter account. First I choose the name Cassie for twitter, so I could stay anonymous, but when the username @ cassiebooks was already taken, I decided to use my nickname, Kuecki, and added books, because Kuecki as a single name was also already taken, so I became Kueckibooks on Twitter. When I started my blog, I wanted a name that combined something personal, but also something bookish, so I decided to use my Twitter name. Kueckibooks is pretty unique, so I'm very happy with my name :)
What genre do you read and review the most on your blog? 
 Definitely fantasy! I just love to escape the reality for some hours and to find myself in a completly different world. It amazes me how authors manage to create their own world through letters, and I wanna be part of it, I wanna be the one to discover the world they've found. Added to that, I love the fact that you have basically no limits. Literally everything is possible. I love that! I also really love Magical Realism, fairy tale retellings and everything that is a little bit...different. Weird. Unique.

What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews?
Quite a lot of other stuff can be found here. On the one hand, I want this to be a book blog in the first place, so you'll find typical bookish stuff, like book hauls, wrap-ups, bookish discussions and book TAGs. On the other hand, Kueckibooks is my own little place on the internet, where I can share everything that matters to me, so during these past years I added some more personal categories where I could write about non-book realted stuff that I wanted to share, like my passion for music (Friday music) or personal stuff (Kuecki in Wonderland). I also have a discussion categorie for non-bookish discussions "Gedankenkarusell" and a travel categorie (Kuecki travels).
Best blogging experience so far?
I really can't decide, because thanks to this awesome community there have been so many amazing moments these past few years! I'm so glad I started blogging because it added so much to my life! I got a place where I can talk about stuff that moves me, I can communicate with others and share the love. This way I got some wonderful blogging friends and most of them became close friends of mine. 
Getting a comment, being proud of a post...there a some many small moments I really appreciate. But also bigger ones which are deeply memorable, e. g. the book fairs I visited, where I met so many amazing friends. 
Favorite thing about the blogging community?
I really love that everyone is so nice and helpful, like even though I'm a pretty young and small blogger I didn't need to be afraid to talk to larger ones. Everyone is so kind and I found very good friends, so I'm very fond of our community and happy to be a part of it!
Name the 5 books you’re most excited for this 2016!
The Raven King. Strange the Dreamer. Heartless. Sleeping Giants. A Gathering of Shadows.
Name the 5 books you want to read this 2016 that you didn’t get to in previous years!
A Game of Love and Death, Into the Still Blue, The Warrior Heir, Bone Gap, A Madness so discreet
What’s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read?
Definitely The Phantom by Susan Kay! It's a very dark, twisted historical fiction/magical realism/strange love story/loveletter to For me it's very inspiring and special, a offspring of passion and music and definitely worth a try!
Which book boy or girl would be your book BFF?
That's a hard question! I'd say probably Cress from the Lunar Chronicles, because she's a nerd and a fangirl! But also a very kind-hearted, a tiny little bit naiv, but funny person and I think we would get along very well! Like, we could be psychos together and nerd out all day.
Which book boy or girl would be your book boyfriend/girlfriend?
That's pretty hard too xD Probably someone dark and twisted, like Khalid, Warner or Erik. But I alsp adore the Darkling, Wolf or Kaz. There are super fascinating and I love them to pieces, but I think someone a little bit nerdy-er would suit me better, so would like to meet Gansey or Charlie. I don't know, to be honest I think more friend-zone kinda girl :'D
Who would you recruit for your apocalypse squad (5 characters max)
Kaz and Inej, because there are obviously fairly great at what they do, so I'm confident that they'll be the right people to have with you. Next I would recruit Wolf, a mutant soldier, because you can never be too well protected :D I also would take Cress with me, because who knows, maybe we'll need someone who speaks informal language. And last but not least I would take Charlie with me, so he can write down everything we go through and it can be saved for the next generation.
Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests?

Another great passion of mine is music! I am very passionate about playing the piano, dancing theatre dance/ballet and singing. I just feel like that it is so much easier to express myself through music. It's also my safe haven, where I can find peace and inspiration. I also love to write. And I'm a traveler spirit; I just can't stay at one place to long, because my Fernweh gets heavy and I just have to go out and see the world! Last but not least I really enjoy learning and studying, because I like being challenge to solve problems, to learn a new language or to learn something new. 

Also, if it counts, my friends and family are also very important for me.
Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for?
Urgh, I am not very fond of shopping :D You mostly will find me in book stores because I feel comfortable there, where else I don't like being in other stores. I mean, I'm fine shopping clothes for like twenty minutes, and I could spent ages in fangirl stores, but overall I like placing orders better :D
At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song – and it’s your song. What song would be playing?
Probably Phantom of the Opera or a piano song xD I've a very odd taste for music.
Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book. 
I would love to see The Lunar Chronicles being turned into a TV show! I feel like this show would be epic, witty and exciting! I wouldn't want it to be a movie, because I fell like the story is so complex and needs time to slowly develop, so a movie would feel too rushed and maybe to short.
Author you want to meet and sit down to tea with?
Of course, I would like to sit down and have tea time with J. K. Rowling! She's the writer who accompanied me during my childhood and she created one of the greatest fandoms ever. But also apart from that I feel like she's a very interesting woman and I would like to chat with her.

Sooo...I think that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed this little questionnaire and weren't bothered by all the mistakes I made :D If you're participating in the Love-A-Thon as well, please leave a comment with a link to your questionnaire! And if you're not participating, I'd love you to pick a question and answer it in the comments below :)

6 Kommentare:

  1. Huhu liebe Kücki ♥
    Was für ein wundervoller Tag! *.*
    Und deine Antworten sind dir wirklich richtig toll gelungen! Würde ich deinem zauberhaften Blog nicht schon längst folgen, dann hätte ich spätestens jetzt auf den 'Folgen'-Button geklickt. :)
    Ich wusste gar nicht das du dir auf Twitter den Namen 'Cassie' gegeben hast. Finde ich aber richtig cool! :D Hieß nicht die Protagonistin von 'starters' auch Cassie? Mir gefällt der Name auf jeden Fall sehr gut, auch wenn ich Kücki/Kuecki noch viiiel lieber mag. (: ♥
    Deine Gedanken zum Thema Blogger-Community kann ich nur bestätigen. Ich habe schon sooo viele wundervolle Menschen & begeisterte Leser kennengelernt (unter anderen auch dich ♥) mit denen ich mich super gerne über Bücher und alles mögliche austausche. :) Das Bloggen gehört auf jeden Fall zu einer der besten Entscheidungen meines Lebens! Es macht mich unglaublich glücklich. ^.^

    Alles Liebe,
    Jasi ♥
    P.S: Ich würde sterben wenn die Lunar Chronicles verfilmt werden würden! *.* Ich hoffe einfach gaaaanz stark, dass das irgendwann passieren wird. Das wäre absolut perfekt!! Gerade jetzt wo die Reihe doch schon aus ist *schnief* By the way, ich habe mir gestern 'Stars above' bestellt und Amazon hat mir ein Briefchen geschickt das es Anfang nächster Woche schon ankommen wird. WUHU! :D

  2. Hallo Kuecki,
    wundervolle Antworten, ich mag es, wenn du auf englisch schreibst :)
    Ich finds auch toll, wenn man die Persönlichkeit hinter dem Blog kennenlernt! Aber ein Hinweis, Warner als Bookboyfriend kannst du streichen, der ist nämlich schon vergeben. An mich. :p

    Die Luna-Chroniken on TV, das wäre schon episch. Leider werden viele Filme den Buchvorlagen nicht gerecht, aber wenn es mal gelingt, dann flippe ich aus :D

    Liebe Grüße,

  3. Nice to meet you! I definitely want to start reading more fantasy. I've recently been reading and loving the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. I love your blog design! :D
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  4. Your English is perfect ;)! Fantasy is the best thing, I love how everything is possible. Kaz/Inej would make a great part of an apocalypse team.


  5. I have to second Mel! Your English is excellent. I also love reading fantasy. I think it's so fun to explore the imagined worlds and characters that authors come up with, and just really connect with the various magical worlds fantasy offers me! I also think that it's so cool you come from Germany. (You're the only blogger I've come across from there so far)! Glad you joined us, and happy Love-a-Thon!

  6. We are so blessed to be in such an awesome community. I've made so many life-lasting friendships I wouldn't trade for the world!

    I AM IN NEED OF BONE GAP. I keep hearing about the awesomeness so my hands are itching to have it!

    I love that you had Kaz and Inej on your apocalypse crew. They are quite a pair, and they just work so well together.
