The Princess and the Hound | Mette Ivie Harrison | Eos | English | eBook | ca. 5€ | Kaufen?
Dienstag, 30. August 2016
Sonntag, 28. August 2016
Freitag, 26. August 2016
|Book Tag| Suicide Squad Book Tag!
Hey guys! Today I'm back at blogging in English, which I hope is okay for you :D So...well, I don't know about Germany, but here, in England, there is this movie everybody is currently talking about, basically everyone wants to see it and to talk about it, and even though I tried to stay out of the hype, eventually, I saw the movie too. And I absolutely loved it!* The film I'm talking about is the new DC comic movie Suicide Squad, a movie where a bunch of crazy super villains have to team up to save their sorry asses...ehm, I mean, to save the world from even crazier terrorists. It is not a very clever or deep story, but it is quite a lot of fun, and totally worth to see. I really liked how everyone was so messed up and evil and crazy and I think I am still analyzing their personalities....anyway, today I discovered the Suicide Squad Book Tag on @_myfictionalworld's Instagram page, and I wanted to try it out myself, even though I just did the Bookish Girl Squad a couple of weeks ago. But hey, who doesn't love to dream of fictional squads with a bunch of amazing book characters?
Mittwoch, 24. August 2016
Montag, 22. August 2016
Donnerstag, 11. August 2016
|Book Tag| Bookish Girl Squad!
Hey ihr Lieben! Ihr habt es bestimmt auch gesehen: Seit einigen Wochen geht auf ein paar Blogs dieser Tag rum, und nachdem ich ihn jetzt schon mehrere Male gesehen und mit Begeisterung gelesen habe, habe ich mir jetzt überlegt, trotz nicht vorhandener Getaggtheit ihn dennoch zu machen, wie ein kleiner bockiger Rebell :D Tut mir leid, aber ich kann bei den Worten Girl Squad wirklich nicht widerstehen xD
Donnerstag, 4. August 2016
|Rezension| "The Heart of Betrayal" von Mary E. Pearson
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